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JAD Mottled BKGD 2-01.png

This is me.

I’m a scrappy, eager, young-at-heart graphic designer seeking cool people to geek out with about creative stuff.


After years as a fish on a bicycle in an office environment, my goal is to find a creative space where I belong, where my obsessive love of the right typeface for the design is appreciated, and where my colleagues understand that a spelling error will sink a project’s integrity.


My venn diagram is a bunch of fully overlapping circles: serious, silly, snarky, professional, creative, analytical, hyper-focused, in the clouds—all of them are equally and unapologetically me.

I can be enthusiastic about ANYTHING. I like stickers and dinosaurs, have rarely met a craft project I didn’t try, and value open, constructive communication above almost all else.

And this is me:

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